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Snack Policy
At Dayspring, we ask families to provide the daily snacks. This practice allows us to keep tuition rates affordable and provides for deeper family involvement. The children enjoy a great variety and the responsible child has a genuine feeling of pride when it is his/her time to “be in charge” of the snack.
Snacks are predetermined and posted on a calendar for you to review. Snacks are chosen from two of the four food groups. Your child’s teacher may assign each family a day or have each family choose their own day to bring the snack in. We will be sure to acknowledge your child’s birthday and plan for you to bring snack on that day. When bringing in the daily snack/juice please note the following:
Send juice/milk in a ½ gallon container – PLEASE DO NOT SEND INDIVIDUAL JUICE BOXES
Large containers of items are more easily distributed than many individual items.
Please note: Maricopa County Health Department requires all food that is to be shared with other children, be brought to school in its original and/or sealed package. This includes fresh fruit and vegetables.
Unfortunately, you may not provide home-made items at any time.
FOR BIRTHDAY SNACKS, please bring your child’s favorite healthy snack (two food groups). Our goal is to have nourishing snacks for the children. We ask that you abide by the following rules:
*No cupcakes, cake, cookies, donuts, chocolate, candy, or home – made items. The teachers will not be able to serve these items if they are brought into the classroom for a birthday snack.
Attached is a list of ideas for birthday snacks. This is by no means comprehensive, so please feel free to choose something that is not on the list, as long as it follows the snack policy.
If there is a child with a severe food allergy in the class, we will notify that class separately. As always, the health and safety of our children is our first concern.
Please take a few moments with your child’s teacher if you have any questions about our policy. Also, feel free to stop in the office or give us a call with concerns or comments. We are looking forward to a healthy and happy year!

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